I set this blog up, specifically to make sure that people would have access-to that voided-check gizmo, but if I add any more posts to that page, that message will start sinking, and drop to the bottom of the page.
I've started a few blogs here on Blogger, and since this one only had that one post-well, maybe I should have done this the other way around?
All right then, let's get down to business.
1) Secret words? Secret money-making words? WTH?
Well, it turns-out that they're not such a big secret after all. You can very easily see for yourself which words are the super-happy-fun-bonus money making words by sending any word, phrase, or combination of words, through something called a key-word tool.
I recommend using a Google© key-word too, such-as the one hosted-on Google©, at https://adwords.google.com/. You have to go there & select "Keyword Tool", and then enter a capcha to prove that you are not a BOT-Bots LOVE! keyword tools! Once you're in the tool, choose the one that shows a COST -range amount, the "estimator". That's IT!
Try what I did, and enter "search", into the box. Not bad if you're looking-for words over a dollar? Then enter some more words & phrases, and see what the Estimator pop-out for the cost-range. (then try, "optimization", you'll see why I added it to the title).
It isn't an exact science, and don't worry if you don't know what all the metrics are measuring.
There are others, but I'm not so sure what they do with YOUR words, that YOU thought-of. What do I mean by that? Well, it wouldn't surprise me if you happened upon a really high-paying keyword, and someone ELSE would want to utilize it.
But why would I trust Google©? Well, for now, I'm mainly talking about Google© Adsense, and Google Adwords, so they are also the people SELLING the words, and PAYING YOU.
OK, so I've just given you the SECRET, without telling you HOW, or WHY YOU need to know this secret.
Sorry about that.
And I assure you that I didn't mean to mislead you, although, when I'm talking-about KEYWORDS, and ADSENSE, or ADWORDS, I'm sure that you've already been a victim of trying to read something online, and then realizing that somebody, or maybe some BOT, has "written", or better yet, thrown-together a bunch of words that don't really make any sense.
You see the ads on the page, and you figure that it was a TRAP! It was a trap, to get you to their page, that has their words, (I hope they haven't stolen someone eles's, but that's another story), and their ads.
Now maybe you knew all of this already. But I've been blogging for YEARS, and I earnestly began looking-after my monetization, and monetized my blogs almost a year ago, and I just passed the threshold to receive my first check.
And that one SECRET, (about using, "the tool", or a tool, I think you can even purchase software that does it?), is what finally made the money start rolling-in.
YES-I need blog-visitors. I have them. I followed all of the blog-writing rules that everyone else who practices good-blogging does. Number one being write something that I'm interested-in. Post links to my blogs in other blogs, on the #Tweet-stream, etc. Before I started monetizing, I had a blog about something that I loved, and I saw the hit-counter roll over a MILLION!
Then I decided that I may as well passively get PAID for those "eyeballs". I already told you how that worked-out.
Until, just this weekend, when the RATE for my ads, went UP all of a sudden. And now I am officially in-the-black. Or past the threshold, where THEY will send ME money! And because I just happened to write a blog-post that used a certain phrase, AND also put the phrase in the title of my post. (I did not do that on purpose, but doing that is what caused all of the excitement. I could actually see with my own eyes, the pretty new higher-paying ads as they were generated onto my page).
2) OK-that's another part of this secret that I just learned, and it all has to do with those darn KEYWORDS!
The secret there is, "passive". It is a little tricky to get paid for those words. FIRST you have to have a high-paying word. And then you should optimize it just a little, or follow certain rules of optimization, so that search-engines, can "see" it.
Notice that I'm saying search-engine/plural. The main thing that I'm concerned with here, is whatever engine, or bot, it is that decides which ads to place on YOUR page.
I've actually free-lanced a very few times, for optimization, or SEO, for very few cents, on the AMAZON MECHANICAL TURK.(found HeRE)
(and yes, I've "made-money-online", if you can call making 7 cents per job making money, but I have received payment from them so I can tell you that it is possible to receive money through the MECHANICAL TURK program).
Writing for SEO, or, Search-Engine-Optimization, is kind-of a dirty-job, and it can definitely be a "black-hat" way to earn a few bucks online. (OK-they must be making zillions doing that, but that's not what I'm talking-about here). I guess that I'm talking about compromising your blogging in just a few little ways, that will make your blog fun AND profitable. Or, as I prefer to think of it as, using a few smart rules & tools that will give your blog the ad-revenue that it deserves!